One of my favourite things about Easter (aside from the delicious food!) is getting our family Easter basket ready. Easter is all about gathering with friends and family and traditions like these get me excited for the holiday every year.

Coming from a Polish background, the Easter basket is enriched with old traditions that have been passed down for centuries. The basket is filled with the typical goodies (chocolate, decorated eggs etc.) but additional items are added in which each represent a specific meaning (described more below). As a child, I always loved the trip to the European grocery store to help pick out all the items we were adding in. Obviously I would always sneak some additional chocolate in – for good measure of course. Once the basket was put together, it was taken to be blessed before being used for Easter morning. Another favourite memory for me was the drive home after blessing. That Easter basket never stood a chance! My brother would go straight for the meat, my sister and I would split up some chocolate, someone got the bread and that was usually how it went down every year. We all had good intentions – but it never made it home in one piece!



To tell you the truth, normally I am not a fan of potato salad! I just haven’t found one I loveeee……but that all recently changed!

Enter the IKEA POTATO SALAD! I know you are probably wondering – did IKEA start making potato salad? Is it served in the food court? Although I’m sure that would be Ah-Mazing….this is not the case. They do have the one product that will change your life forever tho – SÅS SENAP & DILL MUSTARD SAUCE. This is truly the most delicious mustard sauce ever! Seriously that good! Now this sauce is my secret perfect ingredient in making the best potato salad!

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