I am absolutely obsessed with sangria and cannot turn down a glass when it is offered! Personally, the sweeter the better from my perspective but all of them are equally delicious (red, white and rose). Whenever I go to a new restaurant/bar I enjoy trying out their version of the sangria that they offer. I am always surprised by the different flavour combinations one simple drink can provide.

Although typically the sangria cocktail is a summer drink (patio season is bliss), I wanted to bring it into the season with some additional fall flavours. Who wants to let go of a good thing just because the leaves are turning colour !? With the holiday season approaching, it is always a nice option to have on hand for drinks and sometimes even needed after all those family dinners (I kid – well maybe a little!) Bring on the autumn sangria I say! The more the better!

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Have you checked the calendar recently? HOW is it March already! Not even March…..MID March! This month….year….is flying by!

Also this weekend is St. Patrick’s Day (just in case you didn’t realize due to the flying of days I mentioned above)  which does provide a good excuse to kick back and relax a bit! I’m not a huge fan of celebrating St. Patty’s day out – it’s crowded and noisy but I am not opposed to celebrating at home with a delicious cocktail! Being Saint Patrick’s Day I thought it was perfectly fitting to create a green fruity beverage to enjoy. Now normally you mainly see green beer but I’m not a huge fan of beer and leave that for my husband to enjoy. Ha! Fun fact – my husband’s name is Patryk (yes spelled that way) and he insists that we celebrate St. Patryk’s Day! I have literally written St. Patrick’s Day incorrectly about 44 times today! So instead of the typical green beer I have decided to class up this joint, throw in our daily serving of fruit (not quite but I try ha!) and present you with this fabulous Sweet Kiwi Lime Daiquiri.