Do you have some special kiddos in your life that you want to spoil with these Halloween Treat Bags? Even though Halloween is on Wednesday (how did that happen?!), these treats can be assembled in a few minutes and just require one quick trip to the dollar store! Although candy and chocolate are amazing (obviously) – I like to jazz up the treats even more!

I’ve created a quick and easy craft that will elevate your Halloween game to the next level! Surprise your kids (or coworkers – depending on what you put in them!) with some extra fun Halloween goodies. This is also a great activity to do with your kiddos – they can help put together these treats for their friends and family members.



I am absolutely obsessed with sangria and cannot turn down a glass when it is offered! Personally, the sweeter the better from my perspective but all of them are equally delicious (red, white and rose). Whenever I go to a new restaurant/bar I enjoy trying out their version of the sangria that they offer. I am always surprised by the different flavour combinations one simple drink can provide.

Although typically the sangria cocktail is a summer drink (patio season is bliss), I wanted to bring it into the season with some additional fall flavours. Who wants to let go of a good thing just because the leaves are turning colour !? With the holiday season approaching, it is always a nice option to have on hand for drinks and sometimes even needed after all those family dinners (I kid – well maybe a little!) Bring on the autumn sangria I say! The more the better!

Continue reading “AUTUMN SANGRIA”


Continuing in the tradition of Entertaining Bucket Lists here on JMS, I am thrilled to bring out our Fall 2018 one! Fall is my favourite season and I am so excited to start thinking about pumpkins and cozy recipes for entertaining. As the weather starts to dip at night, I am reminded more and more of Fall and I cannot wait to start diving into this Entertaining Bucket List. Fall is officially here on September 22 (this week yay!) therefore get your candles and fuzzy blankets out and start setting that cozy ambiance.

Fun Fact: I absolutely hate everything pumpkin and pumpkin spice (shocker!) but I still adore this season so much! My husband on the other hand lovesss everything pumpkin/pumpkin spice, therefore, he eats/tests out every fun new thing that comes out in the season. Gotta make sure those pumpkin spice lattes are still purchased by one of us!

If you are new here, I created the seasonal Entertaining Bucket List because every season throughout the year brings on new adventures and fun activities to be tackled. I love me a good bucket list and I have seen so many pop up on Pinterest lately. They are pretty much all encompassing which is great but I wanted to create a special one for entertaining specifically. Most of the items I want to do each month involve friends, family and food so it’s a perfect fit! You can do the below on your own but having people over to enjoy the activities makes it that more special.

Whether you add these items to your main bucket list for the Fall or keep them separate – they are sure to be a lot of fun for all!