Continuing in the tradition of Entertaining Bucket Lists here on JMS, I am thrilled to bring out our Fall 2018 one! Fall is my favourite season and I am so excited to start thinking about pumpkins and cozy recipes for entertaining. As the weather starts to dip at night, I am reminded more and more of Fall and I cannot wait to start diving into this Entertaining Bucket List. Fall is officially here on September 22 (this week yay!) therefore get your candles and fuzzy blankets out and start setting that cozy ambiance.

Fun Fact: I absolutely hate everything pumpkin and pumpkin spice (shocker!) but I still adore this season so much! My husband on the other hand lovesss everything pumpkin/pumpkin spice, therefore, he eats/tests out every fun new thing that comes out in the season. Gotta make sure those pumpkin spice lattes are still purchased by one of us!

If you are new here, I created the seasonal Entertaining Bucket List because every season throughout the year brings on new adventures and fun activities to be tackled. I love me a good bucket list and I have seen so many pop up on Pinterest lately. They are pretty much all encompassing which is great but I wanted to create a special one for entertaining specifically. Most of the items I want to do each month involve friends, family and food so it’s a perfect fit! You can do the below on your own but having people over to enjoy the activities makes it that more special.

Whether you add these items to your main bucket list for the Fall or keep them separate – they are sure to be a lot of fun for all!

1) Chees-y goodness! –  I’m pretty sure no one will ever decline your invitation to a “make your own grilled cheese sandwich” party! Can that be any more fun? I am such a fan of a nice crispy grilled cheese (hello comfort food) and love making it throughout the fall months. Hosting a party with various toppings (tomatoes, fried egg (a must try), apples, etc. is a great way to have fun and experiment with your favourite classic. Also, have you ever seen Jamie Oliver make a grilled cheese sandwich? This is goals, my friends!

2) My what treasures do we have here? – Take advantage of the fun weather and create some fun for you and your friends (or kids!). Come up with clues and hints that get you moving around the area and enjoying the Fall leaves. I loved the excitement of treasure hunts as a kid and getting to do them as adults brings back the joy that was experienced. Also since you are creating this masterpiece – no one will judge if it ends at the local coffee house for your fill of pumpkin spice lattes!

3) Pass the flour! – I’m pretty sure Fall baking is a tradition that just cannot be skipped and happens automatically even if you were not planning on it! The recipe inspirations are in full force and there are so many fun things to try each year! Grab your mom, sister or some friends and get down and dirty in the kitchen. Que the heavenly smells!

4) Hi diddly ho neighborinos! – We all need good karma so bring your nice neighbour some of the treats you have been baking. Everyone loves some yummy goodness and I’m sure it will put a smile on their faces to receive it. Always pay it forward!

5) Carve out some good times! – <– haha see what I did there?! Gather up your friends and have fun carving pumpkins together. Throw on a scary movie in the background, grab some hot Apple Toddys and remember to save the seeds for roasting!

6) They did the mash…They did the monster mashhhhh…The monster mash…It was a graveyard smashhhhh! – I love everything Halloween – the costumes, the candy, the decorations and the fun! Hosting parties is one of my favourite things and hosting themed parties is even better! Send out an epic invite out, buy the food and drinks (Saucy Spider with Hairy Spider Leg anyone?) and get ready to do the monster mash.


I hope this list has inspired you to add a few items to your Fall to do list. My entertaining goals in the Fall always involve getting cozy with friends and enjoying all things pumpkin (even though I will not eat most of them!). Bring on the cozy sweaters and seasonal candles and pumpkin spice!

What is on your “must do” bucket list this Fall?