Decorating cookies for Christmas can be so much fun but also a little stressful! I love looking at all the cookie decorating posts on Pinterest but some look extremely elaborate and nothing like something the average person can create! The cookie decorating setups look even grander and make me question how are they possible with 10 people attending ?!

I’ve put together a few ideas on how to throw an easy Christmas cookie decorating party that won’t break the bank or stress you out! Down below are a few tips on how to put together this event without going overboard and spending a week planning it out.

Don’t set yourself up for failure and stress – you do not have to have every single decoration item available and you do not need to make everything from scratch. Hosting a cookie decoration party can be stressful enough (tons of people over and sprinkles everywhere!) therefore start by purchasing the cookies or a decorating cookie kit like below. You do not need the additional task of baking stress leading to the days of the party. What if the recipe goes wrong and the cookies don’t taste their best or they burn in the oven and are garbage. NO thank you! Leave it to the pros to ensure every person will have a perfect little cookie to decorate. This also applies to the food items you are serving – feel free to grab some dip (the Costco spinach dip is to die for) and some crackers for an easy appetizer!

Before you go out and spend a bunch of money on toppings take a look at what you have at home – you may be surprised at your options! The kit I purchased above had a few items to get me started (bonus if purchasing a kit) but the rest of the items I found in my cupboards. To get started you probably have all the ingredients for regular frosting using recipes such as this one or this one. As I mentioned, the kit came with a few candies but here are a few additional items I added in from my cupboards that worked well:

– crushed candy canes (I took regular ones and mashed them up well!)
– coconut flakes
– marshmallows
– chocolate chips (all flavours!)
– toffee/skor pieces
– sprinkles (any kind, any colour – does not have to be Christmas themed!)
– candy
– crushed nuts
– crushed pretzel pieces
– crumbled cookies
– breakfast cereal (fruit loops anyone?)
– icing sugar
– ETC.

Depending on what items you have you may need to do a quick run to the local bulk barn or grocery store but you should have a base built with the items from your home. People don’t realize how many items they already have and end up buying everything from scratch. Do a quick inventory of your items and then purchase what is required! If you do not have any Christmas themed items, here is the chance to purchase some fun sprinkles or shapes to ADD to the selection and not just think you need to buy all new.

Get all your items out and designate the cookie decorating area (ie. your table etc) ahead of time to start preparing. The last thing you need to be doing is running around the day of looking for bowls and other items. Put out your toppings bowls and feel free to add in your toppings into them as well. Just make sure you cover them for freshness but you will thank yourself for working ahead since the day of you will just need to uncover them. This works the same with the decorating station – cover the table with a tablecloth and prepare napkins/garbage bucket etc for spills or cleanup duty. Whatever you can prepare ahead of time will help you the day of!

This tip can be a hard one especially for the hostess running the show but I try to prep as much as possible ahead of time (tip #3) to be able to enjoy the time with family and friends. Let go of the items you planned on doing because I can guarantee no one will realize you had one additional decoration topping you forgot to bring out or that the 7 layer dip is missing one layer! This advice is easier to give then to do because I am definitely guilty of the same but I figure if I say it enough times hopefully it will stick!

Planning any party can be stressful but what can be more fun that planning a Christmas cookie decorating party!? I cannot think of anything sweeter.

What is your favourite Christmas cookie decoration?

If you throw your own Christmas cookie decorating party make sure to tag #jmsentertaining so I can see your creations!