If you have never heard of Chrust or Chrusciki or Angel Wings then you are in for a treat! This is a Polish dessert that is usually only served a few times (or once!) a year during the holiday season. In our house, we would usually have it around Easter time or on Fat Thursday as it marked a special occasion during that year. I remember getting excited about this dessert every year and eating them until I was super full – they did not last long in our house!

This week is Fat Thursday which is a Polish tradition different from Fat Tuesday celebrated in North America. On Fat Thursday, people eat various sweets, cakes and pastries that they would normally not eat during Lent. This includes Chrust, Pączki (Polish donuts) and other amazingly mouthwatering items.

Chrust is a light flaky pastry cooked in oil, therefore, it is not the healthiest treat out there but definitely super delicious! To top off its goodness you sprinkle powdered sugar on top giving it a sweetness in flavour. Yum Yum Yum! Oh and did I mention there is vodka involved – yes keep reading!

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