Planning a Halloween party this weekend ? Need some fun easy party decor ? Need a place for your guests to entertain themselves ? Check, Check and Check – you have come to the right place !

I absolutely love an elaborate amazing photo backdrop that is the true focal point of the party-  but sometimes you just need something quick, something easy and dare I say something cheap!?

When hosting a party it’s always great to have a few spots in the house where guests can entertain themselves. This provides a fun activity for the crowd and gives you an opportunity to refill that chip bowl if needed. Enter the always fun party backdrop –  filled with friends enjoying themselves and dragging others to join in!

I wanted to put together a very fun but easy backdrop that can be done last minute. Sometimes people forget about these additional items and I wanted to show that it was possible at the 11th hour. I didn’t realize it until I started shopping that it was a fun challenge to keep it as simple as possible. If I didn’t have a goal in mind I would have purchased a million items!

To start I only made two trips  – Michaels and Dollarama (the local dollar store). As it was 4 days before Halloween, Michaels had everything 60% off (score!) and the dollar store still had a surprisingly large amount of items. My basic setup was going to be black and orange streamers with some additional fun ribbon and embellishments. I went to the dollar store where I picked up a pack of black streamers and a pack of orange streamers. I saw a variety of fun things that would have worked well also and I have included them below for inspiration. I did grab the pack of paper spider webs because I thought they would work well colour wise. At Michaels I saw a ton of ribbon that would help make the background pop and I settled on a fun black glitter ribbon and an orange glitter ribbon.

To start I roughly measured the length that I required and taped the streamers (in rows of 3 per colour) with painters tape at the top. I let the bottom loose as I liked the look and I knew it would move a bit when people walked by. Once the streamers were put in I added in the glitter ribbon on top of my streamers to give it an extra pop. Unfortunately my pictures do not look too sparkly but in person the glitter ribbons really did make a difference. Once everything was put up I ran streamers at the top to hide the green painters tape and added in the spider webs.


As I mentioned at the beginning of this post I wanted to find something that was easy and quick to do while being budget conscious as well. I did all my shopping days before Halloween and items were still available. The setup did not take a long time as I did not measure any of the streamers – they are all different lengths which I think adds to the fun.

As for the budget:

$1.00 Orange streamers – Dollarama
$1.00 Black streamers – Dollarama
$3.00 Spider webs – Dollaram (not required)
$2.79 Black glitter ribbon – Michaels
$2.79 Orange glitter ribbon – Michaels
Total: $10.58 plus taxes
(If looking to reduce cost further I would remove the spider webs – the backdrop looks great with or without them!)

Some more inspiration found in stores:


You could also use:

  • pompoms
  • feathers on a string
  • twinkle lights
  • metallic string

and so much more!

I hope this helps in any last minute Halloween get togethers that may be forming as you read this!

What last minute items are you planning for Halloween this weekend?