One of my favorite tips when hosting a party is to have an area where guests can entertain themselves. This could be a photo booth backdrop area or “make your own” activity which allows some entertainment for guests while you put together the last minute touches on your food items.

With a fun suggestion from my sister Patrycja, we decided to spice up our last get together and create a “build your own” Caesar cocktail bar! I always have so much fun putting these types of things together because the possibilities are endless and your imagination can run wild.

To start, I got the basics ready which includes clam cocktail as well as vegetable cocktail. I chose to have both as we had some vegans in the crowd but feel free just to get one or the other. I paired that off with some vodka (whatever one you have works!), ice (not pictured), hot sauce and your fav rimmer – the Caesar rim salt.

For the toppings – this is where it gets fun! You can essentially go crazy – like have you seen those pictures of cheeseburgers in Caesars – yeah that crazy! I decided to stick with a good range of basics which had us covered quite well. I went with a mix of:

Green Olives
Hot Peppers
Pickled Onions



Obviously the best option is to make it as easy as possible for everyone just to grab and make their drink. Keep everything organized in small dishes and easy to access containers- no one wants to get their hand stuck in the pickle jar!

Like I mentioned this is where you can be creative with your options – some fun ideas are:

Worcestershire Sauce
Cherry Tomatoes
Bread Sticks
Beef Jerky
Mini Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Mini Sliders
Chili Peppers
Black Olives


JMS TIP: The crazier the better! Make sure no one will forget your epic cocktail bar! 

I loved creating this Caesar drink bar and giving guests a different option than the normal selection. Personally I prefer my drinks a little on the sweeter side therefore lookout for some more options coming your way!

What’s your favourite “make your own” cocktail bar?


    1. Thanks!! It’s really fun at a party because it gives people something to entertain themselves with. Love your website logo by the way!

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